Our Community
SSWOTE, or more formally, the Short Story Writers of the Earth, is an openly silly but noble collection (dare I say, anthology) of short story writers. Whether you are a human with a penchant for compact prose or an aardvark who has developed an ability for drabbles, you are eligible to be a full-fledged member.
When you subscribe, you receive the monthly Short Story Dispatch, access to member events, and the submission starter pack. You can participate as little or as much as you like or even just join for the presents—whatever gets your stories on the page!
Our Mission
To support short story writers in every aspect of the writing process, we have four free weekly and monthly events. Click on the links to learn more about the events.
- Writing. Sometimes getting your butt in the seat is the hardest part of writing. We meet four times weekly for Short Story Write-ins (and our friends over at Flash Fiction Magazine fill in the rest of the gaps).
- Critique. The Short Story Writers’ Group (SSWG) meets once per week to provide each other with encouragement and feedback on works-in-progress.
- Submission. Once per month, we gather for Short Story Accounting, where we grieve our rejections, celebrate our acceptances, and send our submissions into the wild.
- Education. In a world where the long form dominates, we need to intentionally dive into the short form. The Short Story Club meets once per month to read stories from a diversity of genres and authors.
Our Vision
To help everyone who wants to write short stories.
Our Values
We are deeply anti-pretentious, pro-curious, and flagrantly supportive.
Our Motto
Supervacanea delenda sunt.

I didn’t know I needed a babysitter!
Amanda Boggan