Short story specific editing and coaching services.
I help you prepare your short story, collection, or short fiction anthology for submission, query, or self-publication.
Short Story Editing
Detailed feedback on your short story, from plot and character development to pruning the text to meet word count.
Short Story Coaching
One-on-one post-edit support, guided short story revision, and personalized advice for honing your short story craft.
Collection Editing
Complete support for curating, structuring, and editing your collection for query or self-publication.
Anthology Editing
Services for assembling short fiction anthologies featuring multiple writers with diverse skill sets.
I was awed by her thoroughness. I would recommend her without hesitation to someone seeking an editor.
Gabriole Sinclaire, author of The Black Statue
Need help deciding?
Pick your biggest problem and I’ll recommend a service.
I want a detailed assessment of my story/manuscript with edits, suggestions and explanations in the manuscript.
It sounds like you want some editing. Let’s head over to my editing services and figure out what you want most out of your first edit.
I want to learn about revising my story and deepen my understanding of the short story craft.
I would love to help you expand your writing toolbox and learn more about the short story form. Let’s head over to my coaching services to figure out how I can help.
I want a quick assessment of my story to make sure I’m on the right track.
Start with a short story critique. I identify the top three weaknesses that would make the biggest difference in helping your story find its forever home, and for balance, the three greatest strengths that make me want your story to succeed.
I have a 5000 word story that is perfect for a submission call with a 3000 word limit and I need help figuring out what to cut.
Have no fear, the Word Countess is here! Silly name, serious word count management. I’ll help you figure out what to leave out, what to leave to interpretation, and how to layer the remaining prose with the multiple purposes required to meet your word count.
Not sure where to start?
Book a free consult. I’ll read your story and help you decide.
Authors’ Stories
Since taking the coaching lessons, I’ve learned too many things to list here and am happily anticipating more.
Kirk KD McDougall, author of “Three Supers Walk Into a Bar”