Accountability and account management.
Short story accounting is one part accountability, one part account management. Each month, we gather to prepare our stories for the world, check in about submission goals, grieve rejections, and celebrate acceptances.
Dates: Second Thursday of the month
Time: 12 pm – 1 pm (PT)
Place: Google Meet
What happens at short story accounting?
- On the first of the month, you will receive the Short Story Dispatch containing the Google Meet invite for this month’s accounting session.
- On the second Thursday of the month at 11:55, I’ll dazzle the early birds with my masterful chit-chat abilities.
- At precisely 12 pm, we’ll report on our acceptances, rejections, and progress on last month’s goals. This is a good time to ask for advice from the group.
- At 12:30ish, we’ll settle into the bookkeeping portion, where we discuss writing goals, brainstorm where to submit your stories, talk about submission guidelines, and anything else you need to do to get your stories ready for their forever home.
- At 12:55 pm, we’ll check in to close by sharing a goal for the month and then scurry off into the afternoon.
But wait, there’s more
Somewhere in that jam-packed schedule, we vote on our monthly submit-along (if you’ve ever joined a knit-along, you’ll be old hat at this). We vote on an upcoming call for submission and everyone who wants to tries their hand at submitting. The goal is to try out different genres and enjoy a bit of friendly competition.
This sounds like hell. Sign me up.
Click the button below to join the Short Story Writers of the Earth. We’ll send you some presents and the monthly Short Story Dispatch with the Google Meet invite.

The submission process is a weak spot for me right now. Short story accounting helps make a difficult, solitary process much less daunting and way more fun!
Chris Fash